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Class Schedule & Tuition: The minimum requirement is 20 classes

Start: 2018/2/23 End: 2018/7/7

Subjects Time Quantity
Wonders G1.2:
Literature Anthology
Work Shop: Reading and Writing
Sun 8:20AM-10:20PM
Mon 6:45PM-8:45PM
Wonders G2.2:
Literature Anthology
Work Shop: Reading and Writing
Mon 6:45PM–8:45PM
Thu 6:45PM-8:45PM
Treasures G1.6:
Reading/Language Arts Program
Wed 6:45PM-8:45PM
Fri 6:45PM-8:45PM
Treasures G2.4:
Reading/Language Arts Program
Sat 5:15PM-7:15PM
Sun 5:30PM-7:30PM
Treasures G2.5/Novel:
Reading/Language Arts Program
Classic Novel
Sat 10:30PM-12:30PM
Sun 10:30PM12:30PM
Treasures G3.4/Novel:
Reading/Language Arts Program
Classic Novel
Tue 6:45PM – 8:45PM
Sat 8:20AM-10:20AM
Treasures G3.6/Novel:
Reading/Language Arts Program
Classic Novel
Sun 12:45PM-2:45PM 20
Treasures G5.4/Novel:
Reading/Language Arts Program
Classic Novel
Sat 12:45PM-2:45PM
Sun 3:15PM-5:15PM
Literature G6/Novel:
Reading with Purpose
Classic Novel
Sat 3:00PM-5:00PM 20
United States History
Beginnings to 1914
Sat 7:30PM-9:30PM 20
Science G2
Interactive Text
Reading and Writing in Science
Sun 3:15PM-5:15PM 20
Science G4
Interactive Text
Reading and Writing in Science
Wed 6:45PM-8:45PM 20
Writing G4
Language Art
Writing Book
Fri 6:45PM-8:45PM 20
Writing G2
Language Art
Writing Book
Sun 1:00PM-3:00PM 20

*Payment Method and Due By:

Please pay the class tuition on our ACE website or pay through PayPal within two days.

*Holiday Class Schedule & Breaks:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
May 1st
Apr. 4th

* Class Rules & Regulations

Students should be ready at least 10 minutes before the start of class and wait for the teacher.

Students must be well groomed and wear day clothes during the class. No pajamas are undergarments allowed.

During class, students must ask permission if they need to leave their seat and are not permitted to do or say anything not related to the lesson.

Parents are not allowed to join the class nor talk to the student during the class as this will cause an interruption.

No student not enrolled with American Cultural English is allowed to join the class without a teacher’s permission.

Students are not permitted to use any function other than the mute/unmute button on their devices.

During class, students are not allowed to send the words to one another through the chat function on Zoom for any reason.

If a student does not follow any of these rules, the teacher will first give an oral warning or contact his or her parent. If the disobedient behavior continues, the teacher will dismiss the student from the class, and the tuition for the missed classes will not be refunded.

* Attendance & Absence Rules

If class is cancelled by the teacher for any reason, the teacher will reschedule the class for a later date. If the student cannot attend the class and informs the teacher they cannot attend at the later date, the tuition for the missed class will be refunded to the student, or the student’s parent has the option to deduct that refund from next semester’s tuition. If the student does not attend the class at the later date and did not inform the teacher of his or her absence beforehand, the tuition will be considered forfeit for that class and not refunded or deducted.

If the student misses class or leaves class early for any reason, the student is held accountable for the tuition of the missed class. No refund or deduction will be given in this case. However, if the student misses class or leaves class early for any reason, the student has the option to attend one class of the same grade level at a different time or take a class at the same skill level to make up for the missed class. If you need to make up the class or switch the class, the student must inform the teacher ahead of time to give him or her ample time to arrange the class. If arrangements have been made for the student to attend a different class and miss the new class time without informing the teacher, the student will not be allowed to make any other arrangements.

*Referral Bonus

For appreciation, if an old student refers a new student to attend our classes (the new student must pay the tuition and finish one semester), the student who recommended the new student will receive ONE class tuition free for the next semester for each new student they recommend up to 3 classes. The tuition free classes can be deducted from the next semester’s tuition or used to try new classes. The tuition free classes are ONLY good for the next semester after the new student joins. The tuition free classes are NOT transferrable. The tuition for the classes will NOT be cash refundable.

*Contact Information

  1. E-mail:
  2. WeChat ID: LillyReeves
